Cycle4GlobalGoals The Netherlands
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it” (Robert Swan)
Born of a pedal and a dream, Cycle4GlobalGoals is about creating big impact through small meaningful actions. With a few years left until 2030, our mission is clear: come together and start a movement acting to achieve the Sustainable Global Goals.
Cycle4GlobalGoals in the Netherlands: means exploring the SDG Houses across the Netherlands by bike, discovering sustainable inspiration to shape our future. Let’s turn inspiration into action for a more sustainable tomorrow!
Every action a person takes, brings all of us closer in achieving the SDG’s. So, let’s pedal together towards a sustainable future!
Our route in 2024
Cycle4GlobalGoals Netherlands is a journey to inspire, connect and take action for a sustainable future
Dag 1 – wo 18.09.2024 Fietstocht: SDG Netwurk Fryslan, Turfmarkt, Leeuwarden – Buitenpost – SDG House Groningen – Assen
Dag 2 – do 19.09.2024 Fietstocht: Assen – SDG House Drenthe Alfa-College, Hoogeveen – Ondernemershuis Deventer, Zutphenseweg 6
Dag 3 – vr 20.09.2024: Lead the Way Deventer: Opruimactie en Samba Workshop met 60 leerlingen van het Eco-lyceum tijdens World Clean Up Day
Dag 4 – za 21.09.2024 Fietstocht: Duurzaamheidscentrum Deventer, Grote Kerkhof 1 – Doorn – Hilversum
Dag 5 – zo 22.09.2024 Fietstocht: KIT Amsterdam –The Hague Humanity Hub
Dag 6 – ma 23.09.2024 Fietsten Rotterdam, Bakkerswerkplaats op de Nieuwe Binnenweg
Dag 7 – di 24.09.2024 Fietstocht: Rotterdam – Social Impact factory Vredenburg 40, Utrecht
Dag 8 – wo 25.09. 2024 Fietsen in Utrecht – SDG Action Day Jaarbeurs Utrecht

"NGO EUphemia seeks to create a community by mobilizing the caring power of the people concerned about the future of our planet to advance the common good."
Our magazines
In the magazine we share all kinds of background information about the Cycle4GlobalGoals route. Such as things to do, history, media, companies, best practices etc.
Our Core Values are:
Be Trustful. Be Transparent. Be Perseverant.
We are very grateful to our sponsors and partners who trust our organization!
Thanks to you, we can go on with our mission!